Thursday, April 2, 2015

5 Ways to Fangirl in Public (without Embarrassing Yourself)

We've all had THE moment: we're in public and something happens; we see something that jump-starts our internal fangirl and twists are insides into a pretzel party, whether it's somebody's ultra-cool t-shirt of our favorite fandom, or we're watching a movie trailed in theaters, or even someone looks like they could be cast as that rad super hero for the next Marvel installment.

But what do we do?

We aren't with fellow fangirls that will understand our open-mouths of awe or our flailing arms and high-pitched warbles. Instead we're surrounded by real people in a public setting. But we all know that it's awfully hard to contain the party and excitement.

I am here to give you five ways you can release the waterfall of fangirl feels while in public without embarrassing yourself or receiving snooty glances from the surrounding "real people."

1. Internally Scream

This may be in involuntary reaction to the majestic sight you've beheld. But keeping the fangirl chatter inside, screaming in your head, heart, and intestines, is your safest bet for not embarrassing yourself. Keep it to yourself and try not to jump out of your shoes.

Warning: This method may cause jumpy nerves and/or strange facial expressions to contort your lovely face. Use with caution. At least the entire public in your vicinity won't notice your excitement.

2. Bottle Up the Internal Scream for Later

While in the moment, you may not have a fellow friend by your side to share in the fangirling. However, that doesn't mean you can't fangirl about it later. Save your screaming, jumping up and down, and gibberish gushing for a friend. For one, they'll appreciate it a lot more than the public. And they'll join in on the fangirling with you.

Warning: This method may not work depending on your size of fangirl feels; some moments are just to big too keep inside for long.

3. Tweet/Facebook Post about It

When in doubt, whip out your phone or other electronic device and tweet or facebook update about your amazing encounter. While the immediate public won't notice you're fangirling, all the people you're associated with will. And what more rewarding feeling could that be? You can engage with fangirl friends across the country and feel excited they can share in the fun. In addition, you can add all the capslock, exclamation points, and emojis you want in order to articulate your frenzy of fangirl feels.

Warning: While this method can be effective for engaging with others, it may not wholly calm down the party zipping in your veins and you might miss something while mid-text (or get judgmental, eyes-over-sunglasses looks from others).

4. Play It Cool

Nothing says awesome than going  up to whatever initiated your fangirling and commenting. "I like your shirt" or "that's a nice face you have there" or "I love that book you're reading. I've read it fifteen times." Trying to play it cool and satisfy your fangirl urge to shout is definitely something to be praised for. It's like a whole new level of fangirl awesomesauceness. Injecting yourself into a conversation about your favorite fandom is also up there. Play it cool, and allow yourself an awesome moment to feel like a fangirl boss.

Warning: This method while effective can have terrible side affects like the "awkward cracked voice" or "flushed face." Make sure you've practiced enough to go through with this encounter.

5. Regret Nothing and Embarrass Yourself

When in doubt, you can just go for it. Jump up and down, squeal, even run like a gazelle over to what caused your fangirling and interact. Regret nothing and embarrass yourself. What's the worst that could happen?  A flushed face and a galloping heartbeat are the only beginning to having a fun, fangirl moment.

And that's the key: fangirls have fun. Don't let the public setting, embarrassment, or snotty looks keep your from having fun as a fangirl and interacting with your favorite fandoms. In fact, it's highly unlikely you'll ever seen most of the public people ever again.

Be bold. Be brave. Be "Initiative."


  1. I love this SO much oh my goodness. So accurate. Perfect GIF use, too.

    1. Hahahah! :) Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think the GIFs are my favorite part.

  2. LOVE THIS. I have some molten fire fangirl blood pumping in my veins. I watch tv shows hugging my pillow and shouting my feelings into it. If I ever met a celebrity or author in real life, or got word that a new Harry Potter book was being written, I'm not even worried that I'll embarrass myself--I'm worried I'll let out a fangirl shriek so shrill mirrors shatter and crows in a mile radius fall dead out of the sky. So ... yeah. Definitely need this post. <3

    1. :) you're welcome. & i usually am holding something pillow-like or will be by the end of watching movies/tv shows.

      & there could be plenty of "fangirl" moments to happen without meeting someone famous or hearing about new news (though HP movies coming are shouting worthy). It could be even a simple thing as seeing someone that has similar tastes in fandom. :)

      Glad it helped! Or will help. whichever.

  3. This is like gif perfection. XD I have to admit...if I'm going to fangirl irrationally (pfft) in public, I usually end up falling into #5 or or #1. I have busted into just short bursts of cackling laughter. I thiiiiiink my family has just given up on my sanity. XD

    1. I agree. While internally screaming might keep your out of the public's eyes of embarrassment, I think there will still be a chance family or friends (who aren't fangirls???) will notice... they still have to love you though!! :D

  4. This. THIS IS SO ACCURATE. I do the bottling-up thing most, although when I curl up with a book I just squeak all I like because books are an entirely new world. *nods to convince self* And aaah, that Sherlock gif is perfect. AND both "I regret nothing" gifs.

    1. Ahhhh! That's an idea: How to Read a Book in Public without Embarrassing Yourself. I'll have to see if I can find any solutions, but it does seem kind of hopeless. Books are just too much sometimes (a good "too much" though).

      :) Thanks. The Bottle-up Idea was actually Sky's but I loved it so much she let me use it! :)

  5. THIS IS THE POST I NEEDED!!! I'm always scared to fangirl in public because certainpeopleimwith get even more embarrassed. XD These are all awesome ideas, and I may just use the fifth one despite my embarrassment. (-: Also, where is the black and white "I regret nothing" gif from? It looks full of awesome!

    1. Yay! I'm glad this will be helpful. Remember: never fear to fangirl, even if it's a little bit. As long as your enjoying yourself, nobody else's opinions matter. :)

      & that gif is from Friends, I think? I've never watched the show but it was the first one that came up in google. :) I thought it fit well! :D

    2. Yes, that gif is from Friends. It's a great show, though not everyone will like it. That's my opinion, anyway. Great post, Jaime, and excellent gif usage!!

  6. Best thing ever! LOL. I love this post! And I've definitely had those public fangirling moments. I try to keep it in, but most of the time, I embarrass myself. Oh well, like you said, I likely will never see these people again.


    1. I'm glad you love the post! :) I usually end up embarrassing myself & everybody who's with me... but hey, I'm having fun so who cares, right? :D

  7. Ha, this is perfect! I actually had to pause to applaud your use of the Dean gif for the internal screaming--that's accuracy at its gleaming finest. And I love how you point out that sometimes it's the littlest things that kick-start your inner fangirl. Just this morning, I was walking to campus and heard someone blasting the Doors from their rolled-down windows as they drove by. I mean, normally that kind of thing annoys me--but how often do you hear someone blasting the Doors? It was one of those things where you salute your kindred spirit and move on with a tiny bit more faith in humanity.

    1. HAHAH! I'm glad you appreciated the Dean gif. It's one of my favorite reaction gifs :)

      & yes, the littlest things make me jump inside and I have to contain myself. I love it all.

