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First of all, it is taking literally everything in me not to go watch Season 2 of Daredevil right now.
That being said, I particularly enjoyed this episode of Jessica Jones. I think it holds a series record for the episode title being mentioned in the first few seconds.
Kilgrave wakes up on one of the most uncomfortable looking beds I've ever seen (not that he doesn't deserve it). The viewer is reminded that Jessica managed to bring him to the abandoned CDC warehouse. Much to Kilgrave's dismay, a recording of his time in the lab is being projected on the wall behind him. The following scene of dialogue reveals that the flooded floor is actually providing a conductor for an electrical wire that Jessica controls. This setup also explains the bare, metal bed frame.
The above gif has to be one of my favorite lines in the series because I guarantee we were all thinking that at one point or another considering the series' departure from his comic origin story.
I'm impressed, I never realized you were such a bitch.
Yeah, well, this bitch is in control of you now, asshole.
The scene shifts to Trish speeding down the road with a severely injured Simpson in the backseat of her car. She reassures Simpson that no one saw her there. Instead of answering her questions, he mutters a name: Kozlov. Trish retorts that she's already called the hospital and that he isn't on staff. Simpson insists that he will be there.
Simpson, I will kill you if you die in my car.
Upon reaching the hospital the medical staff gets Simpson in immediately due to the severity of his situation. They seem similarly clueless as to who Kozlov is. (At certain points it felt like Simpson was mixing up his past trauma with the present. This is a reminder that we still don't know everything he went through as a Special Ops agent.)
We return to Jessica showing Kilgrave more footage from Reva's flash drive. This time, it is of the experiments performed on other children, presumably by the same people who tortured Kilgrave. We learn that part of his logic in getting the flash drive is in fact finding more information about his parents. Suddenly a wild Jeri Hogarth appears. Sadly, she seems much less impressed than we are with Jessica's feat of capturing Kilgrave. (Silly lawyer, bringing the law into whether a confession obtained by holding someone hostage is admissible in court.) Jeri reveals that Hope has been offered a plea bargain ,which would bring her sentence down to 15 years with good behavior but let Kilgrave off the hook. The court wants Hope's case to come to a close quickly as the longer it goes on, the more the media will swarm. She and Jessica spat over evidence and how to get at least reasonable doubt considered as a factor. Hogarth says she'd need a legal witness like a judge or cop for a video of Kilgrave to be admissible. Jessica leaves Jeri to babysit Kilgrave while she attempts to go find said type of witness.
Jessica tracks down Clemons, who seems to have the attitude that Jessica is a problem he'd rather not deal with. Until she threatens to give Kilgrave his address, that is. He is less than happy and doubts Jessica's maturity as a detective. Clemmons says the he prefers to deal in tangible evidence and that Jessica's skills need to grow beyond using Google. She is understandably ticked off.
Back at the facility where Jessica is holding Kilgrave, Jeri continues to receive text messages from her lawyer.
Desmond: No Deal.
Hogarth: Did she counter?
Desmond: Now she wants 90%.
She takes matters into her own hands and calls Wendy. Her ex-wife reveals that her call for such a steep cut of Jeri's assets is an attempt to make her hurt.
Now I won't be the only one left bleeding on the floor.
It's revealed that Wendy worked her tail off to help Jeri pay for law school. (The divorce proceedings really made me ticked off. Jeri seems to be of the vein that can't own up to her own wrongdoing. I feel bad for Wendy...I guess the moral of the story is don't marry a lawyer?) Wendy hangs up, reasonably angry.
Kilgrave notices the situation at hand and feels the need to put in his two cents. (Shut up, Kevin!) Of course, Kilgrave decides to bring up the fact that he and Jessica were playing house (an attempt to damage her credibility). He seemingly has his hooks in Jeri within seconds, even without using his powers. He is a predator and attempts to capitalize on her weakness. (I don't want to underestimate any possible action from Jeri at this point.)
Please repeat that for the camera.
It seems as if Jeri may have ulterior motives.
Simpson is in a hospital bed and seems as intent as ever not to actually respond to what Trish is saying to him. He seems to be convinced that Trish has to be the one to kill Kilgrave, somehow, because he can't. We finally see the mysterious Dr. Kozlov; he rushes in with a team of attendants.
I didn't expect to see you again.
I want back in.
* Kozlov to Trish* You need to leave.
I'm not leaving him.
Trish, go.
(And the mysterious suited men start their work on Simpson...I'm surprised Trish didn't get neutralized.)
We now return to the reguarly scheduled footage of Kilgrave pacing behind glass to the same rhythm as Jeri. Jessica steps behind the glass to try to test Kilgrave's effect on her, hoping that Jeri can get evidence on film. What follows is a tension filled exchange. Jessica tries to provoke him toward controlling her. She begins to beat the tar out of him. Trish arrives, and she is convinced that Kilgrave is playing them. Jeri isn't so sure and chooses to remove herself from the situation. Trish hits the button and shocks both Jessica and Kilgrave to the ground before any more damage is done on either part.
Trish and Jessica later watch the footage of both the earlier encounter and of Kilgrave's childhood. The pair debate the merit of simply leaving, locking the door, and keeping Kilgrave in the facility to rot. As they watch the footage both women are reminded of their own family life. Trish reflects on her own parental situation and juxtaposes it with Kilgrave's; she's amazed that his parents seem to be worse than her mother. This episode is one of the first times Kilgrave's story tugged on my heartstrings; I had previously wondered if he had made it up.
No one gets under a person's skin like their parents.
This thought gives Jessica an idea: perhaps finding Kilgrave's parents would have some effect on him.
The next scene finds Jeri and Pam back at the office. Wendy has sent her incriminating evidence to the law office hoping to get Jeri disbarred. Pam caught it before anyone else, lucky for Jeri's sake. A tense discussion dissolves into a bit of a steamy encounter. Pam threatens to leave her unless she can get the situation under control and become herself again.
I don't like ultimatums.
I know.
Meanwhile, Trish and Jessica search for any info they can possibly find about the identity of Kilgrave's parents. That is, without much luck at first. Kilgrave eats his sandwich and sits contemplatively, then writes a message in ketchup: "Help me." Jessica quotes a line from the footage,
You don't see Eric crying when he goes in the Sin Bin.
She discovers that "Sin Bin" is in fact a Rugby term and searches for Rugby players famous around the time that the footage was filmed. Paired with the earlier realization that Kilgrave's parents were professors, she is easily able to take the next step. She actually manages to contact his parent's former supervisor and manages to pry their names from him: Albert and Louise Thompson. The professor decries their actions and asks Jessica not to contact him again.
Jeri now takes the time to offer Hope the plea bargain, trying to convince her to take the deal and forget Jessica.
The real world is not about happy endings. It's about taking the life you have and fighting like hell to keep it.
I want to talk to Jessica.
Trish and Jessica are still searching for information, at this point they've found pictures of Kilgrave's possible parents. They debate the familiarity of his mother. Suddenly Hope calls.
I'm taking the deal.
Jessica tries to reason with her, explaining Kilgrave's current situation. Hope tells Jessica she doesn't want to die in prison, but Jessica's claims seem to resonate with her. After the call ends, Jessica stares at the picture of Kilgrave's mother with a bewildered expression.
Malcolm has gathered a group of people at the diner, simply because Jessica said she needed to talk to the support group. She is late for the meeting. (I love clean Malcolm.) She's uneasy, the tumblers click into place. We now know why the woman in the picture looked familiar. She has been attending the group meetings all along. Jessica asks "Betty" what her story is. Malcolm is against the confrontation. Jessica decides to pursue the woman with Malcolm hot on her trail.
"I scrubbed blood off of your floor boards, I dumped a man's body in a river."
"And you still want to spend more time with me? Go back there, help those people, that is your superpower."
The scene cuts to Kilgrave's ( Kevin's) parents rushing to pack up their things and move on to the next place. We find that they were worried that Kevin sent Jessica to kill them. After Jessica's confrontation, Louise divulges that the experiments that they did on their son were to save his life. That Kevin was born with a degenerative brain disease that would have killed him before he reached his teen years. That the virus that gave him his powers was what saved him. As he aged, he grew more controlling, and they fled from him. Jessica doesn't want to cut them any slack, and his mother seems to want to help Jessica as penance for what her son caused. It was in fact Hope's trial that brought them to Hell's Kitchen.
Clemons receives video of Jessica punching Kilgrave along with the address where Kilgrave is being held. Jeri returns, claiming Jessica has something urgent to show her. She offers Trish a break and offers Kilgrave an opportunity to share his thoughts. (I do not trust her.) Trish calls Simpson to check on him, and he seems miraculously okay. He urges Trish to get away from Kilgrave, and she hangs up before he can say anything else.
Kozolov seems like more than an ordinary doctor. He provides colored pills for Simpson, just like old times. This is where Simpson starts to more closely follow his comic book inspiration's storyline. (In the comics, Frank Simpson, AKA Nuke, took red, white, and blue pills to give him powers..) We see he doesn't intend on following protocol.
Back at the cell, Jeri either just left Kilgrave's cell or was about to enter as Jessica and Kilgrave's parents arrive. So does Officer Clemons, who is fully convinced Jessica is crazy. Trish pulls a gun on Clemons to keep him still. Now that Jessica has the attention of all, she enters Kilgrave's cell with his parents in tow.
Now let's give him something to witness.
Kilgrave confronts his parents for making him learn how to survive by controlling people. The confrontation results in Louise trying to reconcile with her son. Clemons is convinced that he's seen all there is to see. Then Louise continues to apologize and attempts to stab him with scissors, which she drops. He commands her to stab herself once for every year that he was alone.
They now have the evidence they need, but at what cost? The wire shorts, perhaps due to sabotage. The sequence of events that follows happens fast: Trish shoots a hole in the glass in attempt to save Albert, but this also allows Kilgrave to exert control over people once again. Which is how he escapes. But, Jessica realizes something very important: she is immune to his powers now.
Whatever switch flipped after Reva's death stayed on.
What did you think of AKA Sin Bin? In the light of his past, do you see Kilgrave any differently now? What do you think the revelation at the end of this episode will mean?
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