Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Myers-Briggs Personality Types: The Lunar Chronicles

This summer, I've been making my through The Lunar Chronicles. While initially skeptical that I would enjoy this ridiculously popular series, it ended up way surpassing my expectations. But not only was the story itself amazing but so were the characters. They were bright and three-dimensional, and when I love characters, I love learning about their personalities. Without further ado, here are the personality of our favorite space adventurers!

Linh Cinder/Princess Selene -- INTJ "The Mastermind"


Cinder is logical. She's intelligent and capable and strong, and yet she's clearly an introvert. Often when she's feeling the pressure of her her plan that may or may not succeed, she wants to leave -- but there's often nowhere to be alone. As a fellow introvert, I relate to that. Sometimes the pressure gets to be too much and you can't think, and I think that's what Cinder's feeling. She's a fantastic character, and I'm so glad we got the chance to get to know her.

Prince/Emperor Kaito -- ENFJ "The Teacher"


Kai was a difficult character to type. But Kai has an almost quiet charisma that's hard to measure, which is why I finally settled on ENFJ. He takes his whole country on his shoulders, and he empathizes with every single one of his subjects. He's a good, compassionate emperor (which is in sharp contrast to Levana). He wants to help and serve people with his life, and that's what makes him so good.

Scarlet Benoit -- ISTP "The Craftsman"


Scarlet has the impulse that is often so native to ISTPs. She's intensely loyal, she has a temper the size of Russia, and she has the bravery of a lion. She bravely jumps every adversity that comes her way. Scarlet also possesses the eccentricity that often belongs to ISTPs. She's truly a joy to read about, and she quickly became one of my favorite characters.

Wolf/Ze'ev Kesley -- ISFP "The Composer"


The two things that cemented the thought that Wolf was a Feeler instead of a Thinker (as one might think) were 1) his short story in Stars Above and 2) his very emotionally impulsive attachment to Scarlet. His natural temperament is to make emotional decisions, yet that has been suppressed throughout the years in his forced participation in the Queen's army. Contrary to what he may seem on the outside, he's deeply sensitive, and that shows.

Cress Darnel -- INFP "The Healer"


The thing that convinced me that Cress was an INFP was her powerful imagination, and how she sought an escape by retreating into that. She dreams in bright colors, and her inner life is more vibrant than anyone could ever know. She may be timid at first, but learns and grows in every new experience that she takes on. But above all, she cares about people, and she wants her friends to be safe and happy. She loves with a deep love that can hardly be matched.

Carswell Thorne -- ESTP "The Dynamo"


Thorne is endlessly special to me. Not only is he hopelessly vain and arrogant (in an almost endearing way), but he really does have a heart of gold underneath it. (Way underneath. Way, way underneath. It is there.) His antics and perfect comebacks are what convinced me that Carswell Thorne couldn't be anything but an ESTP. He's charismatic, and, being a Sensor, his senses help him navigate and conquer the world around him. He finds humor in everything, and that's what's so refreshing about him.

Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn -- INFJ "The Counselor"


The thing that strikes me most about Winter is how uncommonly gentle she is. That's not to say that that's the only way she can live; being gentle is her choice. She's seen the consequences of her actions and decided -- of her own free will -- to stop using her gift. Through the times when she has unintentionally hurt people, she has learned deep empathy, and she was willing to lose her sanity in order to give people their freedom. She loves to the earth and back.

Jacin Clay -- ISTJ "The Inspector"


When I first read about Jacin, I was puzzled by him. He was practically a blank slate; only later do we learn that he has to be a blank slate. This was not his choice. He doesn't like it any more than we do. Despite his seeming aloofness, he has an incredible loyalty and tenderness for Winter. He might be cold and overly logical to everyone else, but he can open up, and that's what's so endearing about him.

Iko -- ESFP -- "The Performer"

Even though Iko is an android, she still has a personality type! With her extroverted enthusiasm and her love of the world around her (especially pretty things), it is hard for me to see this lovely android as anything but ESFP. She has a love of life that I don't often see in humans, and she's willing to take risks to help her friends. She's valiant in a way that few people are.

Do you like The Lunar Chronicles? Who is your favorite character? Do you share a type with any character?

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  1. Oh goody two off my favorite things Myers Briggs and Lunar Chronicles in one post! I couldn't agree more about Jacin. At first I couldn't have cared less about him and was afraid he was supposed to just be the "strong silent type" but then WINTER HAPPENED AND OH MY WORD I LOVE HIM TO DEATH. My favorite thing about these books is that every single one of the characters {except Levana ew} is so so lovable for such such different reasons.

    1. OHH I love them all too. :) And I liked Jacin a lot more during Winter. There's so many great characters in this series.

  2. I think you did a good job typing them! I agree; Wolf is definitely a feeler!

    I'm an INTP, so I don't share a type with anyone, but I probably relate the most to Cinder or Scarlet. Also, it's hard to choose a favorite character when you literally adore everyone. <3

    Ally @ The Scribbling Sprite

    1. Thank you!! :D I know, it's hard to pick a favorite. :)

  3. I'm so excited to read Winter now! I am alllllllmost finished with Cress. I'm an INFJ, too!

    1. Oh, Cress is my favorite of the series. :) I share a type with Cress herself!! :)

  4. I love this. I'm thrilled to be like Winter. She was one of my favorites by the end. :)

  5. This is a really cool analysis of the characters! It's so difficult to pick a favorite (though Cress and Thorne would probably be mine). I just love them all though.

    I'm an INF/TJ, so it's pretty cool to be like Cinder and Winter! :)

    1. Oh that's wonderful!! :) They are such great characters.

  6. I'm an INFJ but I was thinking Winter would be extroverted.
