April is the time of year when rain and thunder mount attacks on all your planned outdoor expeditions. Though at first it can be kind of annoying, I've come to appreciate April's bright white lightning and listening to the accompanying boom of thunder. Lately, I've seen quite a few impressive rainstorms, so it would be most appropriate to speak about my favorite fictional characters who control the weather. Whether these fictional characters control the might of worldwide super-storms or simply the power of floods, each one should be acknowledged. Thus, I present to you the best weather wielders:
Divine Beast Vah Ruta
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Throughout Breath of the Wild, Link must travel the world and free all the divine beasts from Calamity Ganon’s clutches by solving insanely fun puzzles and fighting angry, chaotic spirits. When Link enters the land of the Zora (a race of fish people), he is told that Vah Ruta (one of the divine beasts) is spouting an endless supply of water that could potentially flood all of Hyrule if it isn't stopped.
Having harnessed her power, Storm can let loose flashes of lighting, unleash a torrent of rain, and bring forth loud claps of thunder. If she wanted to, she could even hinder the weather from storming at all, giving her the power to not only control thunder and lightning, but also sunny skies. It's probably the reason why she’s worshiped as a rain god in Africa (so of course she makes this list)!
Thor and The Avengers
Marvel has a whole slew of people with unbelievable abilities, including a billionaire genius and a used-to-be cryogenically frozen war hero. But Thor isn't exactly a human being... he's a god! One of the first Avengers, Thor hails from another world known as Asgard, and after stumbling onto the planet Earth, he agrees to help the Avengers save the planet (all while wielding his mighty hammer).
Only worthy heroes are able to wield the Hammer of Odin, a weapon with the ability to summon extraordinary blasts of electric energy, so it comes as no surprise that Thor is included on my weather wielder list. He's able to summon the power of a mighty storm and can even produce anti-force energy blasts that can annihilate an entire world. Besides, in the Avenger movies, he's pretty nice to look at and has some amazing one-liners (YAY Chris Hemsworth).
Danny Phantom

One such villain was a ghost named Vortex, who not only has normal ghost powers but also has the ability to control the weather, including droughts, hurricanes, whirlpools, etc. He sees his control of weather as a form of art, and is very much full of himself. Because of this, he is completely offended when Vlad and Danny try to stop him from creating "beautiful" rainstorms. Beyond this, he has the ability to control storms on an earth-wide scale, like creating blizzards in the dessert or a mass lightning storm that results in the Eiffel Tower collapsing.
Thunderella Happily Ever After

If you have to be cooped up inside, make sure to check out these fandoms. They may help cure some of your rainy day blues as you await those promised May flowers.
Do you have a favorite weather wielder I didn't mention?
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